Social media crime map

Do you know if homes in your city are in danger of being burgled, due to risky social media posting? Our interactive map below shows what people throughout the UK are publicly sharing on social media, potentially putting themselves at risk of crime.

Whether it's talking about going on holiday, being away from home in general, or even posting about your new car or house, our study, in partnership with security experts Yale, has found that there is a clear link between social posting and crime statistics.

Simply hover over your city on our interactive map below, and you'll find how high the risk is for burglaries in your area, followed by risk scores out of 10 for the following categories: Out of Home, New Home, On Holiday and New Car. (Unfortunately, police forces in Scotland don’t release geographic crime data we so we can’t currently include these figures on our map).

Once you've found out just how vulnerable to crime people in your area are, read our helpful guide to staying safe on social media, our social media crime facts, plus Yale's top five security tips.

Swinton’s home insurance team is here to help you with any concerns you may have about using social media, and give you the confidence you need to stay safe.

How at risk are people in your area?

  • National
  • East Midlands
  • East of England
  • Greater London
  • North East
  • North West
  • Northern Ireland
  • Scotland
  • South East
  • South West
  • Wales
  • West Midlands
  • Yorkshire and the Humber
  • Reported crimes
  • Out of Home
  • New Home
  • On Holiday
  • New Car

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High Crime Low Crime


Out of home

New Home


On Holiday


New Car


Data collected from Jan 1st 2016 - Aug 11th 2017

Social Media Safety Tips from Yale



Don’t share too much about your daily activities and whereabouts on social media as this information can get into the wrong hands.


Watch your tags

Avoid tagging yourself at different locations; this tells opportunistic burglars that you’re away from your home.


Delay posting

Wait to tag, post photos or update statuses until you return home to prevent being targeted.


Security settings

Check security settings are set to private so only your friends and family can see the statuses you post.


Do you know them?

Don’t accept friend requests from people you don’t know personally - you don’t know who they may be friends with.

Name Surname
Job title, Yale

The following guide is provided by Yale. Please note, Swinton Insurance did not write or contribute in any way to this guide and therefore cannot be held responsible for its content. If you have any questions or concerns about this guide, please contact Yale.

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