Reduce the impact of storms
Storms can be very disruptive and costly for homeowners. During the UK’s recent spate of extreme weather, during the winter of 2013/14, insurers received over 420,000 claims for storm damage to homes, vehicles and businesses.
put together this guide to help you reduce the impact of severe weather on your home, give you the most important facts, and to talk you through making a claim if you’re affected. It will also answer key questions, such as ‘what is a storm?’
and ‘what is a storm surge?’
Protect your home from flooding
If the area where you live is affected by flooding, or you’re concerned about water escaping in your home, you’ve come to the right place. This guide is here to help you cope with flooding, from understanding what causes floods and protecting your home, through to dealing with water damage and making an insurance claim.