Yale safety guide
Burglars have now become savvy when it comes to picking out their next potential target.
Instead of having to be out in plain sight waiting for homeowners to leave their property, thieves can now just simply log in online and pick and choose nearby vacant homes by checking to see if users are out of the house – all whilst they’re hidden away behind a computer screen.
With this in mind, Swinton Home Insurance have partnered with the security experts at Yale who have shared their top tips to keep your home secure on social.

1. Set all social media accounts to private
It's vital to check that all social media accounts are set to private to ensure that only your friends and family can see what you share.
2. Reminisce on your return
The urge to 'check in' is certainly a temptation for the avid social media user, but this can be very risky. The modern-day burglar is very shrewd and will more than likely be stalking social media accounts to see who's away, and checking in online could mean you're their first target. By waiting to post your photos, statuses and check in details when you arrive back home can reduce the risk of your home becoming a target.
There's no better way to secure your home than with a smart home alarm system.
3. Location, location, location
Even if you are careful to not tag yourself in specific locations, GPS and geo-tagging features have allowed other users to reveal your specific location, without you even first realising it. This is something that can easily be switched off on your social media and your phone settings.
4. Investing in a range of high quality security products
With a shocking 17% of homeowners only having basic home security measures put in place**, there's no better way to secure your home than with a smart home alarm system. A wide range of systems are now available, which provide you with the ability to remotely control your home security via a smartphone, receive notifications and images if the system is triggered when you're away – so you can be 'in', even when you're out!
As much as using social media when you're out can put you at risk of becoming a target, you could use your phone in a better way – to check your home is secure! Yale's Smart CCTV range gives you the freedom to check on your home when you're away, from anywhere in the world. It allows you to view images of inside your home through the free Yale app, giving you peace of mind when you need it most.
5. Don’t make friends with those you don’t know!
As much as this may be an easy tip, if you accept friend requests from people you don't know, it's fair to say you don't know who exactly has access to your private information. If your security details aren't up to scratch, your harmless social posts may fall into the wrong hands and put your home and possessions in a vulnerable position.
For more tips and information on how to keep your home secure, and for any of Yale's range of security products please visit www.yale.co.uk.
*Statista (as of January 2017)
**Yorkshire Building Society
This guide is provided by Yale. Please note, Swinton Insurance did not write or contribute in any way to this guide and therefore cannot be held responsible for its content. If you have any questions or concerns about this guide, please contact Yale.