
Garden activities for kids

Coaxing the kids away from the TV and computer games during their summer holiday might sound like an impossible task, but with these great ideas for fresh-aired fun, you’ll struggle tempting them back indoors...

Build a wormery

Charles Darwin studied worms for almost four decades and concluded that life on earth would not be possible without them. And now, you can help your little ones learn all about the wonderful world of worms with your very own wormery.

View a step-by-step guide on how to build a wormery in your garden

Garden treasure hunts

There are so many fantastic things to discover and learn about in your garden, so send the children on a hunt to explore all the treasures that are hidden right under their nose.

Find out more about everything you need to put together an exciting nature treasure trail

Plant your own patch

What better way to encourage your little ones to eat their vegetables than by helping them to grow their own? The best veg to plant are the ones that you can eat straight away, like tomatoes. You’ll be surprised how carrots suddenly start to taste nice once they’ve grown them themselves.

View some helpful tips on planting the perfect patch

Grow a tree

Whether you’re keen to teach your child some gardening tips you can put into future use, or want to help them understand the link between seeds and plants, growing a tree is a lovely project that will last for years. All you need is to collect some special seeds and choose your spot.

View a step-by-step guide on how to plant and nurture your very own tree

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